Needs Beyond Medicine logo

We know that there are many nonprofit organizations vying for your charitable contributions. Simply put, we are currently the only organization we know of that seeks to meet the financial needs of cancer survivors not specifically related to their medical expenses. In addition, this is a unique charity that advocates for awareness and education, as well as support for people battling cancer. canSURVIVE is a singular fundraiser that provides an opportunity for your brand to differentiate itself, while reaping the tax benefits of nonprofit giving.

Needs Beyond Medicine thanks all of our sponsors and supporters that support canSURVIVE and help the event with overhead costs and make it truly an event and night to remember for all who attend.



Presenting Sponsor

The Cancierge Foundation

Supporting Sponsor

Staker Parson

Relief Sponsors

The Roofing Center

YESCO Outdoor

Red Mountain


canSURVIVE Official Survivor Photographer

Chad Hurst Photo